
Mass Grave selected at the ZOOM Festival

📣More great news!! 🎬Our live-action TV series, “Mass grave”, selected for the official competition at the ZOOM Festival, one of the most important TV festivals in Spain. Congratulations to all the cast and crew involved in the production of this intriguing and surprising thriller!!

#wisers #liveaction #wiserslivingtheaction #tv #tvseries #shooting BAUSAN FILMS Loris Omedes Nathalie Martinez Maxi Valero À Punt TV3 #lafossa #massgrave Nausicaa Bonnin Sergio Caballero Ibáñez


“El Zoom Festival, que tindrà lloc del 26 de novembre a l’1 de desembre a Igualada i Barcelona, comptarà amb vuit produccions en la secció oficial de ficció. Hi haurà una forta presència de produccions del país, però també provinents de països com Alemanya i Itàlia (…) També entre les produccions catalanes destaca, ‘La fossa’ (2018), dirigida per Agustí Vila, una sèrie coproduïda per Bausan Films, TVC, Wise Blue Studios i À Punt Media i que s’estrena al Zoom Festival.”

The Zoom Festival, which will take place from November 26 to December 1 in Igualada and Barcelona, ​​will feature eight productions in the official fiction section. There will be a strong presence of productions from the country, but also from countries such as Germany and Italy (…) Also notable among the Catalan productions is ‘La fossa’ (2018), directed by Agustí Vila, a series co-produced by Bausan Films , TVC, Wise Blue Studios and À Punt Media and which premieres at the Zoom Festival”.